S.T.E.P model for work-based project programs
01 S - Self-Study in LMS
The LMS platform is designed to provide a wealth of learning resources, engaging self-study modules, and a personalized learning experience for each student. The primary goal of this platform is to help students "Know" knowledge as the first step in their learning journey.
By accessing the LMS, students gain initial exposure to training objectives and core content, allowing them to develop foundational understanding, formulate ideas, and generate questions that will support their progression to the next stage of learning.
02 T - Training & Tutoring - Study with Live Class
After completing the initial "Self-study" phase, students gain a basic understanding of the training objectives and acquire general knowledge about the program. At this stage, they have also formed questions and concerns regarding the content. The next step involves delving deeper into the subject matter to discover how to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, while clarifying opinions, questions, and perspectives with the guidance of instructors and collaboration with fellow students.
This stage is facilitated through the Live Class model, which allows students to interact directly with their lecturers and classmates, creating an engaging and interactive experience similar to studying in a traditional classroom setting.
03 E - Evidence of Competency - Demonstrate Competencies
After acquiring in-depth knowledge during the Live Class phase with instructors and/or teaching assistants, students at the Université Libérale de Paris and the Online University of France are assigned exercises designed to help them apply their knowledge directly in workplace scenarios.
Unlike conventional training models that emphasize traditional question-and-answer formats, the exercises at Université Libérale de Paris are designed to be immersive. Students are placed in real-life contexts, where they are required to use their knowledge and experience to devise practical solutions.
Students demonstrate their competencies through evidence-based assessments, proving that they have successfully acquired the necessary skills to complete the course and program.
All programs at Université Libérale de Paris meet the national occupational competency framework for each job position. By using this competency framework and evidence-based assessments, Université Libérale de Paris ensures that its programs effectively cater to the needs of employers and businesses, focusing on the practical working abilities of students rather than merely their proficiency in solving theoretical exercises.
04 P - Projects - Graduation Projects
At the conclusion of each program at Université Libérale de Paris and the Online University of France, students apply the competencies they have gained throughout their studies into major assignments that are integral to graduation. These assignments focus on creating practical solutions in real-world work environments or within the specific industries students manage (particularly at the PhD level).
During this phase, students receive continuous support from instructors to successfully implement and complete their projects. At the PhD level, students are also given the opportunity and guidance to publish their research in prestigious scientific journals under the ISI/SCOPUS system, further enhancing their academic and professional achievements.
Benefits of Learning at your work.

Earn degrees without full-time university attendance.

Courses align with personal and professional goals.

Practical Learning
Combines online modules with work-based projects.

Immediate Application
Apply skills and knowledge in your workplace

Personalized education experience through self-study.

Career Advancement
Develops job-specific skills for career growth.
Learn more about our work-based learning program.
Saving and still learning with France-made programs.
With the support of partner universities and a unique organizational model that doesn’t require obtaining a degree directly from Université Libérale de Paris, learners can save up to 50% on tuition fees compared to the original fees at Université Libérale de Paris.
France Made programs
lead to degrees from our university partners.
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